20 Positive Morning Affirmations for a Calm Day

Your morning routine can make or break the day ahead. However, not everyone has time to do a yoga session, take a walk in the sun, or do 20 minutes of reading and meditation.

The good part of telling yourself several positive morning affirmations is that you don’t need to carve out 15-minutes to do them.

You can speak your affirmations aloud, say them to yourself in your mind, write them down in a journal, or add them to post-its placed around your home.

We’ve collected this list of positive morning affirmations to help inspire you to start the day feeling good.

Proven Benefits of Positive Morning Affirmations

Positive morning affirmations are a great way to remind yourself of the value you offer in this world to yourself. If you struggle with low self-esteem, stress, or imposter syndrome, like many of us do, reciting a set of affirmations can help ease those feelings.

Medically approved studies have found that the positive effects of affirmations include:

  • Improve education, health, and relationship outcomes
  • Long-lasting benefits on adaptive potential
  • Can create a positive feedback loop between the self and social-system we are part of

They’re a simple but powerful way to set you up for a better day.

20 Positive Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day Well

I am a unique and strong individual.

I will tackle and overcome any challenge today brings.

I am self-disciplined and able to focus on what matters to me.

I believe in myself and I will succeed in every challenge I face.

Today, I will take small steps to improve in areas I’d like to grow.

I am allowed to ask for help, and my loved ones, friends, and colleagues will support me.

I deserve healthy and positive relationships with the people around me.

I’m a good person and am doing the best I can.

I deserve to feel good about myself

I’m grateful for another day to pursue my goals and build relationships with those around me.

Other people’s opinions of me do not affect my self-worth.

Nothing can negatively affect me for long, because I am in control of my own thoughts and feelings.

I have positivity to give to the world around me.

Today is a new beginning and offers new opportunities

I face challenges as they come, and won’t worry about them until they do.

Today, I’ll rise above other people’s own concerns and externalized negativity.

No matter what ups and downs today brings, I will continue to feel comfortable with myself and my own path in life

I’ll remember to celebrate small and big wins throughout my day, because I deserve to

It’s natural to have negative passing thoughts. I’m always in control of my actions, and that is what matters.

I deserve to be in every room I am in, and I’m as uniquely qualified as anyone else to be there

The Ecothes Team
The Ecothes Team

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